Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mr. TODD'S Wild Ride...

HOWDY I'm Back !!

Here we go again....I was kicking back minding my own business when my Ma' packed my purse and something else I'd never seen before. As the journey unfolded up stream, I found my self stuffed into this contraption called an OTTER BOX. My Ma' assured me that this was for my own protection, as well it would keep me from getting wet. I'm not the best swimmer yet, and she knew I'd be a bit leery.

As the group got geared up, I found myself wondering about, testing the ability of this Otter Box. I ran across fly fishermen,lots of rocks, and found myself getting a bit to close to the rapids and next thing I knew...I was floating down stream....No Worries, my Ma' caught me !!
The group piled into this big blue floaty thing, strapped me to the front and away we journeyed down the Cache La Poudre. I was in "AWE"of the rugged beauty that surrounded me ... I wasn't scared, it was beautiful, and we had the coolest rafting guide ever. He was a nice guy, but he spoke with this funny accent and I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. All I could really understand..."FORWARD & STOP" I guess this would be pretty crucial to are well being. As the sun set and its beauty lit up the canyon...I sat back in my Box & thought...My Ma's got some COOL friends !!
SO MUCH FUN was Had !!

Thanks Ya' All..